Info Tur Manastiri Engleza

Did you come to Bucovina, the land of monasteries?Try something new!

In 2021 we invite you to visit the monasteries, on horseback, but not on white or gray horses but horsepower.
Come with us for a tour on ultramodern Can-am Ryker, which will make your vacation memorable.

Route: Departure from Cacica, Suceava County – Putna Monastery – Sihăstria Putnei Monastery – Sucevița Monastery – Return.

The duration of the tour is about 4 hours (depending on speed, photo break, visiting monasteries, etc.).


4 hours

21+ years

Cacica, Suceava

Driving licence category B

4 hours

21+ years

Solca, Suceava

Driving licence B category


Cacica, Suceava

Minimum age

People over the age of 21 can rent a vehicle


Monday – Sunday: 09:00 – 20:00

The vehicles can be rented from April till November


For driving a Can-am Ryker 600, a B driver’s licence is required. A guarantee of 500 Ron has to be paid at the location for each rented vehicle


6 Can-am Ryker vehicles are available per ride. You can do 2 rides per day

Transport capacity

Maximum 2 persons


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